The Top 5 Office Cleaning Mistakes to Watch Out For

Now that you have made substantial financial investments for your office, you want to make sure it lasts. After all, your expensive carpets, furniture, and equipment require maintenance. 

One way to take care of an investment such as an office and office furniture, maintaining a clean office environment at all times is a must. Additionally, customers and employees both feel more welcome when spaces are clean and well-organized.

Perhaps you could be making office cleaning mistakes without knowing. Read on to discover these five common cleaning mistakes, and how to

Mistake #1: You Use Ineffective Cleaning Agents

It is common practice to overuse cleaning solutions or to apply them to the incorrect material. For example, scrubbing mulish stains with abrasive chemicals or scrubbing with abrasive chemicals can cause damage to office carpets and upholstery. A big part of cleaning properly is knowing the right tools and methods to use.

Mistake #2: You Leave the “Invisible” Surfaces Out

To save time, most people only dust and clean the visible surfaces of their homes. Germs and dirt can congregate in inconvenient places like under furniture and in corners, causing health problems.

It is possible that you don’t clean your office enough, which is why it builds up dirt. When office cleanings are not performed on a regular basis, the surfaces and objects in the office become dusty. You may notice this when there is clearly dirt present or when there is an odor. 

Consider what employees and customers are thinking as they enter the building. A cleaning schedule can help you keep track of when different tasks are completed. Discuss with your employees or cleaning service who is responsible for what each day.

Mistake #3: You Do Not Organize the Mess

It is inconvenient to have to clean the office on a regular basis. Cleaners must be able to move freely in order to clean effectively without interfering with personnel or productivity. Make it a habit to both organize and clean.

Mistake #4: You Leave Equipment in Poor Condition

The performance of a tool can suffer if it is not properly maintained and cleaned, as is the case with vacuum cleaners. After each use, this type of equipment must be wiped down, emptied of its contents, and re-fitted with the appropriate filters. These replacements may come at a high cost.

At the same time, when it comes to cleaning computer and television screens, the use of microfiber is advantageous. Cleaning cloths that are dirty or overly abrasive have the potential to harm monitors. Dust can spread if the appropriate fabric or a sufficient amount of clean fabric is not used.

Mistake #5: You Do Not Take Out the Trash

Nobody likes a full trash bin that just sits there for days and weeks. The longer trash is allowed to pile up, the more rotten it becomes. It is also possible that it will overflow, making management more difficult. 

Trash cans should be emptied at least once a day or twice a week to avoid unpleasant odors and avoidance. You should replace the trash bag you’ve been using with a new one. in order to keep your workplace clean and odor-free at all times


Cleaning the office should not be too difficult or challenging, especially when it is done regularly. Remember, make it a habit. For professional assistance, seek the services of a team that will meticulously clean every nook and cranny to protect you and your staff from illness and odors.

Are you in need of cleaning services in the Bay Area? The Cleanly team of professional cleaners is here to help you clean your home and offices. Contact us today to schedule your FIRST appointment!

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Response to COVID-19

Maggy Maid Referral Agency continues to offer an essential service by referring experts to help our customers with household disinfecting and home sanitizing. To protect customers and our referred house cleaners, we are: 1. Relaying regulations to the referred cleaners, like wearing masks and gloves. 2. Corresponding with house cleaners and the customers. In case of illness, we are available to cancel appointments or make appointment changes. 3. Customers and referred cleaners are requested to make us aware of any illness to eliminate the spread of Covid-19. 4. Monitoring updates from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in regards to safety and regulations. 5. Conforming to city and state regulations within our industry. 6. Offering Customers ability to log in to our website and self-serve cancel appointments at any time, and the referred house cleaners can do the same. This gives customers and house cleaners ultimate control, even when our office is closed.