7 Tips to Get Your House Cleaned over the Weekend

While you might dislike cleaning up your home, it is still a task that must be done. No one wants to live in a dirty, messy home, but some do not have the time, energy, or motivation to get things done. Why? Mostly because of how daunting and overwhelming the task may look. However, with some planning and a little bit of elbow grease, it is possible to get your house fully cleaned, even in one weekend!

Here are our top tips that you can follow to get your home cleaned over the weekend:

1. Set a Timer

It’s important to set a timer when cleaning your house. This will help you stay on track and make sure you don’t get sidetracked by other activities. Try setting the alarm for 30 minutes so that you get a break after that time, and then reset the timer for another 30 minutes. This can help you stay focused and get the job done quickly.

2. Make a List

Before you start your cleaning spree, make a list of all the tasks you need to complete. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t miss anything. Also, make different lists for different parts of your home if you want. For example, you can have a separate to-do list for your kitchen and then another one for your bathrooms.

3. Group Your Tasks

To maximize efficiency, group similar tasks together. For example, if you need to clean the kitchen, bathroom, and living room, do them all at once. This will save you time by allowing you to utilize the same equipment to do all the cleaning tasks. Plus, because you’re doing the same thing, it is easier to focus.

4. Start at the Top

When you’re cleaning, start at the top and work your way down. The reason for this is that dust and dirt fall, and by starting from the top, you ensure that your things are fully cleaned. Plus, it is faster to clean things this way, helping save lots of time.

5. Clear the Clutter

Before you start cleaning, make sure to clear away any clutter. This will make the job easier, save lots of time, and even helps to improve the final results of your efforts.

6. Don’t Forget the Details

Make sure to pay attention to the details when cleaning. This includes cleaning behind furniture, in corners, and in cracks. If you miss anything, the leftover dust and dirt can dirty your home again.

7. Reward Yourself

After all your hard work, make sure to reward yourself. Take a break and relax for a few minutes before you tackle the next task. And, of course, don’t take too long with whatever reward it is you have in mind. Otherwise, you’ll end up taking a little too long to clean your home!


Cleaning your home can be a daunting task, but with the right tips, it can be a breeze. Make sure to have a plan, set a timeline, and break it down into smaller tasks. Focus on one task at a time, and don’t forget to reward yourself for your hard work. And, of course, if you really cannot get your home cleaned for whatever reason, be sure to hire a professional to come and tackle the task for you! That way, you can simply sit back and relax while your home gets the cleaning it needs to provide you with that perfect living environment!

Cleanly is your go-to destination for residential and commercial cleaning services in CA, offering quality services and solutions to meet any cleaning needs. If you are looking for deep house cleaning in Gilroy, contact us today!

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Response to COVID-19

Maggy Maid Referral Agency continues to offer an essential service by referring experts to help our customers with household disinfecting and home sanitizing. To protect customers and our referred house cleaners, we are: 1. Relaying regulations to the referred cleaners, like wearing masks and gloves. 2. Corresponding with house cleaners and the customers. In case of illness, we are available to cancel appointments or make appointment changes. 3. Customers and referred cleaners are requested to make us aware of any illness to eliminate the spread of Covid-19. 4. Monitoring updates from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in regards to safety and regulations. 5. Conforming to city and state regulations within our industry. 6. Offering Customers ability to log in to our website and self-serve cancel appointments at any time, and the referred house cleaners can do the same. This gives customers and house cleaners ultimate control, even when our office is closed.