Remember These Solutions during Your Next House Cleaning

You can use a few things as substitutes for Lysol, bleach, and paper towels. For example, vinegar is a great natural disinfectant. You can also use some baking soda as a gentle cleanser and scrubber. Hydrogen peroxide is a good option if you want something a little stronger. Ensure you read the labels on any cleaning product you use, natural or not, to ensure you’re using it safely and correctly.

So the next time you’re out of commercial cleaning products, remember these solutions during your next house cleaning:

For the Bathroom

To make a bathroom cleaner, mix 1.5 cups of baking soda, 1/2 cup of warm water, 1/2 cup of liquid soap, and two tablespoons of white distilled vinegar. For extra grimy grout, you can add lemon juice.

For Your Laundry

You need Sal Suds and baking soda to make a natural laundry detergent safe for HE machines. Combine two tablespoons of Sal Suds and 1/4 cup of baking soda for a single load. You can add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to help brighten the whites.

For the Carpet

If a muddy paw, shoe, or footprint is on your light-colored carpet, mix one teaspoon of clear dish soap and one cup of warm water. Blot the area dry, then pour the soap mixture on the stain. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then gently scrub. Repeat as necessary until the stain is gone.

For Hardwood Floors

To make your wood floors shine during a house cleaning, combine two tablespoons of dish soap together with a gallon of warm water, then mop.

For Stainless Steel

Combine dish soap and water into a spray bottle to clean stainless steel or chrome. Then, spritz the solution onto the surface you wish to clean and use a microfiber cloth to scrub in the direction of the wood grain.

For Windows and Glass

The key to a streak-free clean is cornstarch. To make a cleaning solution, mix one cup of hot water and one cup of rubbing alcohol in a large bowl. Add four tablespoons of cornstarch and whisk together. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle to clean windows, mirrors, or glass. Wipe the surface with a microfiber cloth afterward.

For the Oven

Mix dish soap, baking soda, salt, and vinegar to paste. You can add essential oils for a nice smell. You apply the paste to the inside of your oven and let it sit overnight. You scrub the oven with a sponge and warm water in the morning. Then spray the oven with vinegar and wipe it clean.

For Something All-Purpose

There are two ways to create this cleaning solution: vinegar and without.

To create a powerful all-purpose cleaning spray, mix hot water, white vinegar, grapefruit essential oil, lavender essential oil, and lemon essential oil. This vinegar-based mixture can clean countertops, the sink, and light fixtures.

Now for a version without vinegar that’s gentle on soft surfaces, like marble, and does not etch or leave dull spots. Combine ¼ cup of vodka, two ¾ cups distilled water, ¼ teaspoon of lavender essential oil, and 1/8 teaspoon of tea tree essential oil in a spray bottle.

In Closing

The next time you’re out of commercial cleaning products, remember these formulas and make your cleaning products from household items to make your cleaning routine a much more convenient experience.

Or, Just Contact Cleanly

We’re your prime choice for house cleaning in Morgan Hill, whether commercial or residential. Book us now or get an instant quote by visiting our website!

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Response to COVID-19

Maggy Maid Referral Agency continues to offer an essential service by referring experts to help our customers with household disinfecting and home sanitizing. To protect customers and our referred house cleaners, we are: 1. Relaying regulations to the referred cleaners, like wearing masks and gloves. 2. Corresponding with house cleaners and the customers. In case of illness, we are available to cancel appointments or make appointment changes. 3. Customers and referred cleaners are requested to make us aware of any illness to eliminate the spread of Covid-19. 4. Monitoring updates from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in regards to safety and regulations. 5. Conforming to city and state regulations within our industry. 6. Offering Customers ability to log in to our website and self-serve cancel appointments at any time, and the referred house cleaners can do the same. This gives customers and house cleaners ultimate control, even when our office is closed.