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7 Common Deep Cleaning Mistakes Homeowners Must Avoid


Over 90 percent of people clean their houses during spring cleaning. However, spring cleaning mistakes are common. Making cleaning mistakes results in a home that is not clean and results in the homeowner feeling overwhelmed. To achieve a clean home, you need to plan and prepare. To begin planning, avoid the following spring cleaning mistakes.

1. Not Starting at the Top

It is a common mistake to start cleaning with the top to bottom method. Yes, you need to clean the top parts of the home first, but you should start by tackling the commonly dirty areas. This way, you will not have to spend time returning to clean spots later. Start with the bathroom and kitchen because they are the areas that are used most.

2. Start in the Wrong Spot

When cleaning, the most important thing is to start in the right place. This way, you will not have to return to an area and do it again. Start with the kitchen to ensure that the counters, sink, and stove are clean. The kitchen is the house area that naturally accumulates the most dirt and needs to be cleaned daily.

3. Letting Messes Go

One of the most common mistakes people make is letting messes go because they do not have time or want to get dirty. An important part of spring cleaning is learning when to stop and when to say you need to clean another day. When cleaning, you must prioritize the messes and work on them one at a time.

4. Not Making a List to Be a Guide

People often spring clean when they have a lot of time. This is the wrong way to clean your home. You need to focus on cleaning one or two rooms at a time. When cleaning, you must list what you want to accomplish to stay focused.

5. Overlooking the Small Things

It may seem silly to put a little effort into cleaning, but it is important not to overlook cleaning the small things. People often ignore cleaning the small things because they think it is unnecessary. You must clean the inside of the cabinets, clean the kitchen sink, clean the baseboards, and clean in between the walls.

6. Using the Wrong Deep Cleaning Stuff

It is important to invest in the right deep cleaning stuff to achieve the results you want. You want to buy products made to be clean and not just look good. There are cleaning solutions that you can add to water or use a sprayer to spray your house. Make sure that you follow the instructions on the label to ensure that you are using the product as intended.

7. Avoiding Decluttering

There is no point in cleaning when you do not have the time to declutter. One of the main reasons people do not like cleaning is that they have too many possessions. If you want to achieve a clean home, make sure you declutter the house and remove the possessions you do not need anymore.


When cleaning your home, you should not overlook the small things. You should take the time to clean the small stuff to achieve the results you want. You want to avoid making cleaning mistakes because it will result in a clean home that is not as clean as it should be. Remember that you cannot rush, and you need to focus on what is important to achieve the results that you want.

Cleanly is South Bay Area’s premiere house cleaning service, helping you live your best life and giving you time to focus on what’s most important. Homeowners can trust us with cleaning needs because we always go the extra mile with our basic, top-to-bottom, and homes services. Our cleaners are background-checked and fully trained, so you can be sure only the best technicians in the industry visit your home. If you need cleaning services in San Jose, CA, we’ve got you covered! Call us now at 408-484-3949 to get an instant quote!